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Angels are among as more than ever and can help us with our daily lives along with our spiritual development.  We are developing more Angel workshops for groups and can also write workshops on a one to one basis for a more personal angelic touch.  

The Bumble Bee


Many years ago a large bumble bee came into my kitchen and as much as I tried to help it to head for the window and back outside it was to no avail.  The poor bee was becoming more frustrated so I asked my angels to guide the bee to the window.  There was a sudden rush of air and  the bee was pushed by an unseen hand to the window and off he flew.  I certainly thank my angels feeling pretty amazed by the experience and I am sure the bee was grateful too! Marie

Our Angel Experiences

A Healing Heart


A couple of years ago I was hosting a spiritual circle and I was leading a meditation for my clients who were off on a lovely journey meeting their angels.  We were sat in a circle and I saw a very tall angel manifest in beautiful white energy in front of me and then gave me a heart of beautiful white pure energy.  I was delighted, amazed and thankful that the angels were assisting me with the circle and had given me such a personal gift. Marie



The Angels Walk With You Pocket Book by Marie Winterbone is available on our SHOP page

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